Easy Ride: 28 May 2011

This Saturday's ride is going to be an easy one - quite a few at racing at the Barossa half/10km event on Sunday, so the deal is we're going to keep those guys fresh.

Here's the plan.  We'll meet at the usual start place and be ready to leave by 7.30am.  From there, we'll head, up Montague, right at Bridge and then down Grand Junction Rd to Military Rd.  We'll then head down to Henley and maybe grab a coffee either at Henley Square or a little further down at the West Beach Surf Club. We won't be doing any speed work or efforts - this will just be an easy chatty ride.

Total distance will be about 60km - if you want to go further you could continue down to the Bay and back up the road we did last week.

Good luck to Brad, Ella, Krystal and Sam on Sunday!